Caution: The following texts are translated from the Japanese original. We cannot take responsibility for ambiguity in the translation.

Category 2 OTC medicine 


Product features

● Stona SyrupA for children is a sweet and easy to drink brown-colored syrup.
● Formulated with ephedra decoction, effective against chills, fever, headache, and joint pain all over the body at the beginning of a cold.
● Formulated with vitamins B1andB2, which tend to be deficient during a cold.


Relief of various symptoms of a common cold: running nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, sputum, chills , fever, headache, joint pain, and muscle pain.

Dosage and administration

Take the following amount of medicine within 30 minutes after a meal.Depending on the case, this medicine may be taken up to 6 times a day, but when doing so, be sure to leave at least 4 hours between doses.

<Age: single dose: number of daily doses>
Age 3 to 6: 10 mL: 3x
Age 1 to 2: 7.5 mL: 3x
Age 6 to 11 months: 6mL: 3x
Age 3 to 5 months: 5mL: 3x
Under 3 months: Do give this product

Precautions of Dosage and Administration

(1)Strictly follow the prescribed dosage and administration.(Please use the enclosed measuring cup.)
(2)When allowing children to take the medicine, a guardian must be present to watch and tell such them how to take it.
(3)For infants younger than 2 years old, examination by a physician should always precede administration of this drug. This drug should be administered only if it is absolutely necessary.

Ingredient and amount

In 60mL
Acetaminophen:240mg: Reduces fever and alleviates pain.
Diphenylpyraline hydrochloride:1.3mg: Alleviates symptoms such as sneezing., runny nose and stuffy nose
Tipepidine citrate: 20mg: Works at the heart of coughs to alleviate coughing. Improves expectoration.
Guaifenesin:65mg:Improves expectoration.
Vitamin B1 nitrate:8mg:Supplements vitamins that tend to be deficient during a cold.
Vitamin B2 phosphate ester:4mg:Supplements vitamins that tend to be deficient during a cold.
Ephedra decoction extract:130mg:Ephedra decoction extract

<Precautions relating to ingredient and amount>
(1) Urine may turn yellow when taking this product as it contains sodium riboflavin phosphate.
(2) This product is formulated with natural remedies and may become slightly cloudy.


■When not to use the product
(If you do not follow these instructions, the current symptoms may worsen or adverse reactions/incidents are more likely to occur.)
1.This product should not be taken by the following persons.
(1)Those who have experienced allergic symptoms to this medication or any of its ingredients
(2)Patients who have experienced asthma from taking this drug, other cold remedies, antipyretic analgesics.
2.This drug should not be taken together with the following drugs:
Other cold medicines, antipyretics/analgesics, sedatives, expectorants, internal medicine, etc. containing antihistamines (internal medicine for rhinitis, medicine for motion sickness, medicine for allergies, etc.)
3.After taking this drug, do not drive a car or operate machinery (sleepiness may occur).
4.Do not drink alcohol before/after taking this medicine
5.Do not take this medicine for a long time

1.The following persons should contact a physician, pharmacist, or registered salesperson for a consultation before administration.
(1)Patients undergoing medical treatment from a physician or dentist.
(2)Pregnant women or women suspected of being pregnant.
(3)The elderly
(4)Patients who have experienced allergic symptoms associated with drugs, etc.
(5)Persons with the following symptoms:
hyperthermia, urination difficulty
(6)Those who have been diagnosed with the following.
  thyroid disease, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, liver disease, kidney disease,gastric/duodenal ulcer, glaucoma
2.If the following symptoms are observed after taking this drug, these may be adverse reactions, so immediately discontinue the use of this drug, and show this document to your physician, pharmacist, or registered salesperson for a consultation.

Gastrointestinal system: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite,
Neuropsychiatric system:dizziness
Urinary system: urination difficulty
Other: excessive temperature decrease

The following serious symptoms may occur in rare cases. In such cases, immediately seek medical aid:

<Symptom name: Symptoms>
Shock (anaphylaxis): Symptoms, such as itching of skin, urticaria, hoarseness, sneezing, itchy throat, breathing difficulties, palpitations, and clouding of consciousness may occur immediately after take.
Oculomucocutaneous syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis: Hyperthermia, ocular hyperaemia, eye discharge, lip erosion, pain throat, widespread skin rash/redness, etc. may persist or suddenly worsen.
Hepatic function failure: Symptoms, such as fever, itching, rash, jaundice (yellowing of skin and white of eyes), brown urine, general malaise, loss of appetite, etc. may occur.
Kidney disorders: Symptoms, such as fever, rash, reduced urinary volume, general oedema, general malaise, arthralgia (painful joints) and diarrhea, etc. may occur.
Aseptic meningitis: Symptoms, such as severe headache with a tight sensation along the neck, fever and feeling nausea/vomiting, etc. may occur. (these symptoms are frequently reported particularly in patients under treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus or mixed connective tissue disease. )
Asthma: Symptoms, such as wheezing or hissing when breathing, and difficult breathing, etc. may occur.
3.The following symptoms may be observed after taking this drug. If these symptoms persist or worsen , discontinue the use of this drug, and show this document to your physician, pharmacist, or registered salesperson for a consultation.
dry mouth, drowsiness
4.When symptoms do not improve even after taking the medicine 5 to 6 times, stop taking this medicine and consult a physician, pharmacist or registered salesperson, being sure to take this instruction leaflet with you
※.Although this medication is for children, general precautions established for cold medication are described here.


White sugar, Na benzoate, paraben, alcohol, caramel, Ca chloride, citric acid, pH regulator, flavor (including propylene glycol, vanillin, ethyl vanillin)

Precautions for storage and handling

(1)Store in a cool, low humidity place away from direct sunlight.
(2)Keep out of reach of children.
(3)Do not transfer the medicine to a different container. (It may lead to misuse or alter the quality of the drug. )
(4)Do not consume products past their expiration date.
(5)The cap may be difficult to open because it contains sweeteners. In this case, soak the cap in warm water, then open.


<Advice to get better quickly>
1. Getting proper sleep and not overdoing yourself is the first step to healing. Especially when you have fever or are coughing, take off work or housework to the extent possible and get rest.
2. Keep your body warm with clothes and bedding. Keep your room warm as well, and avoid dry air by making as much steam as possible.
3. Wipe sweat with a towel, change underwear, and do not let your body cool. Refrain from bathing a day or two even after your fever has disappeared.
4. Concerning food, eat things that are warm, contain a lot of moisture and vitamins, have high calories,and are easy to digest.

Children are often unaware of their own symptoms, even when they are sick. At such times, if people around them are a little careful, they can be healed while symptoms are still mild. If you think your child may have a cold, take care of them early and make sure they get enough rest.

<Uses a safety cap to prevent accidental ingestion by children>
■How to Open
(1) Push the cap hard and
(2) Turn in the direction of the arrow.
*Placing the bottle on the table and then pushing the cap makes it easier to open.
■ How to Close
Wipe the mouth of the bottle then close the cap tightly.

Disclaimer on Multilingual Product Information

・This product is a pharmaceutical product approved under a Japanese law, the Law for Ensuring the Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Drugs and Medical Devices, with a view to its sale and use in Japan.

・Multilingual product information is a translation of the product labeling written in Japanese and provided for your information only. It does not warrant that its contents and the product itself conforms to laws and regulations in countries other than Japan.

・Multilingual product information is a tentative translation by Our Company, and may be modified or altered without notice.

・Our Company assumes no responsibility for any occurred problem attributable to the contents of the multilingual product information.