Caution: The following texts are translated from the Japanese original. We cannot take responsibility for ambiguity in the translation.


Product: Ingredient characteristics

Sato DHA & EPA is a functional labeling food made from refined fish oil of sardines, tuna and bonito containing DHA / EPA, a kind of unsaturated fatty acid, in a small seamless capsule.
DHA / EPA that is easily oxidized is packed in aluminum.

Nutritional function indication, notification indication, permission indication

This product contains DHA / EPA. It has been reported that DHA / EPA has a function to maintain the memory ability (the ability to memorize and remember information such as numbers, words, and situations) that is a part of cognitive function. DHA / EPA has also been reported to have a function to lower neutral fat.

Report number


To be careful

This product has been reported to the Commissioner of the Consumer Affairs Agency as an indication that a specific health purpose can be expected at the responsibility of the operator. However, unlike food for specified health use, it has not been individually reviewed by the Commissioner of the Consumer Affairs Agency.
● This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
● This product is not a food developed for people suffering from diseases, minors, pregnant women (including those planning to become pregnant) and lactating women.
● Consult with a doctor if you have a disease, or consult with a doctor or pharmacist if you are taking medicine.
● If you feel a change in your physical condition, immediately stop taking and consult your doctor.
● Please observe the daily intake.

Nutritional information

Nutritional information: per 2 packs (6.6g)
Energy ・ 46kcal, Protein ・ 1.9g, Lipid ・ 4.2g, Carbohydrate ・ 0.1g, Salt equivalent ・ 0.0027g

DHA ・ 1100mg, EPA ・ 400mg

Intake amount and method

● Ingestion method: Take 2 packs a day with water or hot water.

Raw material name

DHA-containing purified fish oil(Domestic production), gelatin, EPA-containing purified fish oil / glycerin, antioxidant (vitamin E)

Allergic ingredients in this product(Of 28 specific items *)

* Seven specific ingredients (shrimp, crab, wheat, buckwheat, egg, milk, peanut) and 21 recommended ingredients (almond, abalone, squid, salmon roe, orange, cashew nuts, kiwi fruit, beef, walnut, sesame, salmon, mackerel, soybean, chicken, banana, pork, matsutake, peach, yam, apple, gelatin)

Precautions for storage method and storage method

● Notes on how to save:
・ Store out of reach of children
・ Consume as soon as possible after opening.


Sato Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
1-5-27 Moto Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Disclaimer on Multilingual Product Information

・This product is a functional indication food developed for the purpose of sales and use in Japan.
・Multilingual product information is a translation of the product labeling written in Japanese and provided for your information only. It does not warrant that its contents and the product itself conforms to laws and regulations in countries other than Japan.
・Multilingual product information is a tentative translation by Our Company, and may be modified or altered without notice.
・Our Company assumes no responsibility for any occurred problem attributable to the contents of the multilingual product information.